Monday, 5 September 2011

Live to run, run to live...

Well, in my case - run to eat.  I like my food, and if I don't want to end up being rolled to the table, I need to either eat less, or move more.  Given that I don't like the idea of eating less, I went with moving more.  Specifically, running...

I used to run - but then I had kids.  And there was no time, or inclination, or it was raining... I was the queen of the good excuses, but eventually I had to face the fact that I was now officially fat.  Not obese, I had yet to scale those dizzying heights, but definitely fat.  Size 16, occasionally an 18.  Out came my trainers and sports bra.  Reinforced with girders, this would be an mainstay of my running equipment.  Because actually, you don't need much to start running - but if you are, shall we say, amply proportioned, a sports bra is pretty essential.

My first run was an unmitigated disaster.  I went off too quick, didn't warm up, tried to go too far - and I came home with blisters, almost in tears and not at all inclined to continue with this insanity.  But then a friend of mine suggested the couch to 5k running programme.  This is basically a series of run/walk interval training runs designed to do exactly what it says on the tin - take you from the couch to running 5k.  And boy, does it work.  The first run is actually mostly walking, but by the end of week 5 you are running for 20 minutes non stop.  And by the end of the 9 week programme I was running 5k in about 35 minutes, which is pretty respectable for a porker...

I am now running 4 miles in about 45 minutes, 3 times a week.  I've roped a friend into my lunacy, to create a shared hallucination of fitness - and some motivation on days when I'm not too keen on the idea... We run after our children are in bed, and I've lost 14lbs so far.  Still 28 to go, but we'll get there!  I've also cut back on the custard creams, because that really is a good idea as well...

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